OS Windows 8 Highly Compressed 10MB Full, the first time i read a post in the other blog, i see a title windows 8 highly compress just 10Mb, and i only can say, Wow... It's really amazing that OS which have size more than 2,6Gb can be compressed in 10mb. Windows 8 This is Fully Packed windows 8 highly compressed after you extract it will become 3.49 GB then you again have to extract it to get full .iso file.this whole process of extracting will not take hours,this extraction will be completed in about 5 to 7 Minutes.

How To Install :
- Unrar Highly Compressed Windows 8 ISO.
- Burn the ISO file of Windows 8 on a DVD using UltraISo.
- Install the windows. and Download the Activator Enjoy!
Some Os Windows 8 Feature :
- gigahertz (GHz) or faster 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64) processor
- gigabyte (GB) RAM (32-bit) or 2 GB RAM (64-bit)
- GB available hard disk space (32-bit) or 20 GB (64-bit)
- DirectX 9 graphics device with WDDM 1.0 or higher driver
- Taking advantage of touch input requires a screen that supports
- Support for Both x86 PCs and ARM Tablets
- Windows to Go
- Windows Store
- Windows 8 User Interface
- Control Panel
- Playing videos in Windows 8
- Windows 8 Task Manager
- Windows 8 works great on the same hardware that powers Windows 7